Vovinam recognised as national intangible cultural heritage

Cập nhật: 06/12/2023

VOV.VN - Vovinam-Việt Võ đạo, a traditional Vietnamese martial art, has been listed as the country’s national intangible cultural heritage by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Vovinam was first established in Hanoi in 1938 by Master Nguyen Loc (1912 – 1960), with the intent of providing practitioners with an efficient method of self-defence after a short period of study. Loc believed that martial arts would contribute to freeing the nation from outside domination, including the French domination from 1859 to 1954.

The first Vovinam school outside of the country was formed in Houston, USA, in 1976. Since then Vovinam schools have been established in more than 70 countries and territories around the globe, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Poland, Spain, and Switzerland, attracting over 2.5 million artists and contributing to introducing Vietnamese culture to international communities.

Furthermore, Vovinam has also become a sport practiced throughout the Southeast Asian region, especially at the SEA Games four times.

From November 22 to 30, the seventh world vovinam championship is scheduled to take place in Ho Chi Minh City. So far, more than 650 athletes, coaches, and referees from 35 countries and territories have registered to take part in the event, with strong competitors from China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Iran, France, and Thailand set to face off at the tournament.

Từ khóa: vovinam, Vovinam,recognised,national, intangible, cultural, heritage

Thể loại: Thể thao

Tác giả: vov

Nguồn tin: VOVVN

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