Vietravel launches charter flights from HCM City and Da Nang to Japan

Cập nhật: 18/03/2024

VOV.VN - Vietravel Airlines successfully conducted its first charter flight on March 17 in a series of flights connecting Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang to Takamatsu and Fukushima prefectures in Japan.

With 200 passengers on board, the flight marks a new milestone in the journey to expand the airline’s flight network whilst also connecting tourist cities between Vietnam and Japan this year.

This is part of a charter chain aimed at utilising Vietravel's existing ecosystem as a means of promoting air transport and tourism activities this year.

As scheduled, Vietravel Airlines will operate 10 charter flights from Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang to Takamatsu and Fukushima in Japan in March and April, including six flights to Takamatsu Prefecture and four flights to Fukushima Prefecture.

Japan was a popular tourism destination selected for many Vietnamese tourists last year, according to the Japan National Tourism Organisation (JNTO).

There were 573,900 Vietnamese visitors to Japan last year, representing an increase of 15.9% compared to 2019, and  hitting the highest record figure so far.

Từ khóa: Vietravel, Vietravel,charter flights, Ho Chi Minh City,Da Nang,Japan

Thể loại: Văn hóa - Giải trí

Tác giả: vov

Nguồn tin: VOVVN

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