Vietnam placed tenth in Travel Confidence Index 2023 ranking

Cập nhật: 09/08/2023

VOV.VN - Vietnam has ranked tenth in the Travel Confidence Index 2023, according to the 2023 edition of its APAC Travel Confidence Index (TCI) released by

The country was the only representative in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region listed in the "Mindful Voyagers" group that boasts a deliberate and thoughtful travel approach, driven by a sense of responsibility to the environment and a desire to help local communities.

Despite enduring macroeconomic headwinds, one thing remains clear for all APAC travelers, “their spirit of adventure and the desire to create lasting memories via travel remains steadfast and strong,” said Laura Houldsworth, managing director of the Asia-Pacific region at

The TCI 2023 research, commissioned by and conducted independently by Milieu Insight, involved a survey of over 8,000 travelers from 11 countries and territories across APAC, including Singapore, conducted between April and May.

The results present an in-depth analysis of travel confidence and sustainability interest across various destinations throughout APAC. The report includes rankings that assess the confidence level of travelers in each market.

Từ khóa: Travel Confidence Index 2023, APAC Travel Confidence Index,, Vietnamese tourism, Mindful Voyagers

Thể loại: Văn hóa - Giải trí

Tác giả: vov

Nguồn tin: VOVVN

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